In Grade 2, I was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADD. I can remember the struggle of keeping up with the standards of the curriculum. Although I worked hard to manage these problems during my adolescent years, each level became more difficult than the next and I struggled to keep up.
Read more about Managing ADHD With Brain Gym here.
In 2003 I was in a motorbike accident and fractured my scull in a few places. Returning to school after this event was possibly one of the most mentally challenging things I’d ever had to do. I remember barely being able to sit still for half an hour in class. The following year I was tested and told that I would never be able to learn normally again. When I reached Grade 11, in my second week of class I knew there was no hope of passing even just the first exam. This was confirmed by the people who did the tests and they agreed that there was no need to place that kind of stress on me. I was taken out of school.
As suggested, I took that year off and decided to finish Matric in a specialised field. Not believing that I could work with adults, I chose Educare. Trying my best, throwing myself into studies, sitting day in and out, and gathering every piece of advice given to me by peers, advisers and specialists, I got through those three years with an average grade of about 50 – 60%.
The first time I heard of Brain Gym was through my father. He had just completed the course with Robyn Lotz and tried to help me practise it regularly. I thought it was a little odd and didn’t put in a lot of effort initially. In 2013, I went on a Brain Gym course myself, wanting to incorporate it in my work with children. As soon as I started practising it regularly, I could feel the difference, and my natural curiosity began to grow. Suddenly I was able to take in a lot more information, was able to regurgitate what I had learned, my grammar and spelling started improving – all in an incredibly short space of time!
Read more about Brain Gym & How it Works here.
In 2014 I began to study Reflexology. Having practised Brain Gym for a year, I had a lot more tools at my disposal. My average went up to 75 – 100%. Using Brain Gym, I could determine which way was the best for me to study ‘on the day’ using simple muscle tests. For instance: if on a certain day I was more visually in-tune, I would use pictures that I’d gathered on the internet, cut them out and put them on flash cards or the wall in my study. The next day my body would indicate that I’d learn best through writing so then I’d summarise my work, rewrite my lecture notes or work on old tests. The learning method that seemed to work best was learning through movement. I’d take my summarised notes and walk while I read or I’d be standing so I could use my arms to express what I read.
Read more about How Brain Gym can Help Students here.
Never would I have thought that each day could be a different, rewarding and successful learning experience for me. Opening myself up to this new way of learning helped tremendously – I didn’t understand it at first but being persistent I was able to overcome learning challenges that experts and tests told me I never could. Brain Gym changed my life; I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you find yourself in a similar situation. Ask, and then listen and be open to the answers. Be curious and courageous to learn and take on new ideas. Believe you can and you will.
If you’d like to learn more about Brain Gym, please contact Robyn Lotz for an appointment.